New: Insight into your personality with the MBTI assessment

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Persoonlijk gesprek MBTI assessment Certified Personality Type

MBTI Assessments

Mark Your Progress helps organizations achieve flow. Losing yourself with your group in passion while working towards your goal. Feel concrete results and do it a little better every day. It’s great to work in such a team! But why does this work for one group and not so much for the other?

“With the MBTI assessment I was able to understand more of my innate preferences. This helped me build different habits and behaviours”

Mark Your Progress works a lot with IT teams and often the question arises: “What is the best way of working together” or “Do you have a manual for me so that we improve our teamwork?” During individual coaching, the question often arises: “Why don’t others understand me” or “In a stressful situation I no longer recognize myself”. The MBTI assessment can help you find answers!

What is MBTI

MBTI is based on Carl Jung’s personality theory. Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers have developed the MBTI assessment based on this theory after more than 20 years of research. The goal of this assessment is to better understand yourself and others. Meanwhile, more than 4000 studies have been published which endorse the reliability and validity. Where other tests like DISC mainly look at behaviour, MBTI focuses on underlying personality preferences. Behaviour is more context-dependent, MBTI usually gives the same results over time.

MBTI sorts you into two choices on four aspects: introvert/extrovert, Sensing/intuition, Thinking/feeling and Judging/perceiving. This leads to 16 possible personality combinations. Understanding these aspects can help you understand conflict, recognize group dynamics, find your leadership style, or explore the organizational culture.

The Assessment

Each MBTI assessment starts with filling out a very extensive questionnaire. In a personal conversation or a session with a team, we first seek your individual preferences. Based on the questionnaire and the conversation, we determine your “best-fit type”. After you receive a detailed report based on your questionnaire with tips in the field of communication, how you deal with stress and how you make decisions. This gives you a well-thought-out insight into your personality preferences. After choosing your best-fit personality type, it is time to see what you can do with this knowledge.

Workshop: Team development

As a group of individuals with the same goal, it is nice to have a way of communicating and making effective decisions. This can be different for every group and is often dependent on the members of the team. Knowing each other’s personality types and coming to an understanding of how to work together best is crucial to achieving flow together. After determining the type indication of each team member, we practice this in workshops. What does this mean for the team as a whole, which team type does the team have? What is missing in the team and what should the team pay attention to?

This workshop takes two half-days.

Personal MBTI Assessment

This assessment starts with the above exercise to find your best fit. You fill in the questionnaire digitally in advance, in your preferred language. Together we work towards a deeper understanding of the preferences, and we find your best-fit type. After finding your best fit we continue. Depending on the coaching question, we start forming a development plan. This contains concrete goals that you can get started with right away. Goals that help you learn new habits and train different behaviours. We discuss situations you encounter and explore how using the opposites of your personality could help you towards your goal. Together we come up with strategies that help you directly. After a month, we review where you stand and go through your progress.

This assessment takes about 3 hours while filling out the questionnaire in advance takes about 30 minutes.

Interested? Get in touch!

MBTI Certified English

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